Lund University Students Visit Criminal Division
HW Festo Nsenga addressing the students who visited the Criminal Division
On Wednesday September 27, 2023, the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development, in collaboration with Lund University of Sweden with participants from Zambia, South Sudan, Ethiopia and Uganda, visited the Criminal Division of the High Court.
The team was led by Ms Samali Wakooli, the Assistant Director Public Prosecutions, who heads the Gender, Children and Sexual Offences department at the ODPP.
The purpose of the visit was to benchmark and learn about how Ugandan courts have incorporated technology in the safety and protection of vulnerable witnesses and victims.
HW Festo Nsenga, the Criminal Division Deputy Registrar, received the visiting and he together with HW Timothy Lumunye (Personal Assistant to the Chief Registrar)took them through the different court set ups and operations in Uganda.
They were also taken through the current technological advent of the Electronic Court Case Management Information System. The visiting team were informed that the Division was set to be among the next set of courts to implement the System.
The participants were amazed by the court set up in Uganda, in particular the vast space of court-halls and chambers, as well as established children's rooms and technological system connections. They also commended the Criminal Division for the warm welcome and orientation.
The delegation shared their different experiences as far as technology innovation, judgement writing and court proceedings recording.
After the meeting, they were taken on a guided tour of the chambers, registry as well as children's room, where they tested live the strength of the court recording systems connection between court halls and children's room.
Posted 27th, September 2023